E o amor se fez verbo em mim

377294_163662990399586_100002676593827_256490_981512660_nDesde que o amor se fez verbo em mim
Só sei conjugar a saudade...
Enquanto ele era substantivo abstrato
Não doía assim.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade de Virgem em Poesia


Ah! Esse confidente sincero
Um virginiano é um adorado anjo
Que olha sempre com a razão
Mas jamais se encontra nas nuvens
Eis seu maior defeito...
Não tira os pés do chão.
O convide para arrumar suas coisas
Ele é de uma organização incrível
Mas não tire as coisas dele do lugar
Ele tem medo de amar...
Ah! Virginianos morrem de medo de desconhecido
Mas o conquiste com muita amizade e sabedoria
E um amigo fiel pra sempre terá.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade de Touro em poesia



Ah! Esses taurinos elegantes
Ao surgirem em nossa vida
Um amor de fé nos garante
Acreditam em si mesmo
Força e talentos únicos
São seres especiais
Buscam seus sonhos
Mais ousados
Para eles limites existem
Para serem superados...
Mas temem o desconhecido
Amam o seu cantinho
E se nele você vier
O receberá com muito carinho.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Câncer em poesia

A personalidade do signo de Câncer

Cancerianos possuem
Sensibilidade à flor da pele
Aos que amam
Com todo carinho
Às vezes tímidos
Escondem o riso,
Sentem na alma
A intuição do perigo
São leais e grandes amigos...
Mas não o magoe
Ele se fecha
Quando ferido.
Não esqueça!
Ele é dengoso
Mas é fiel e querido.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

A personalidade de Gêmeos em poesia



Tem almas ciganas
De sorriso fácil...
Mas são contraditórios
Num dia amam a vida
Noutro não sabem ao certo
Mas quando amam uma pessoa
Se entregam de jeito único
Querem o bem de todos
Que estão por perto...
Adoram falar, adoram sorrir
Se pudessem conheceriam
Todos os dias um novo lugar
Mas uma coisa é certa
Esses geminianos sabem conquistar.
(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade de Áries em poesia



Ah! Quem conhece um ariano
Jamais o esquece...
Sorri com a mesma facilidade
Com que grita
É de uma inocência
Sem igual
Vive de alto astral
Sua ingenuidade encanta
E sua energia contagia
Adora fazer birra
Porque quando quer,
quer porque quer...
E às vezes quando conquista
Nem queria tanto assim...
Esses arianos adoram riscos
Lutam pelo que desejam
Mas não esperam ganhar um beijo
Saiba que ter um amigo ariano
É ter a certeza que se fores ao fim do mundo
Ele estará sempre com você.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade do signo Sagitário



Sagitariano é assim
Um desastrado apaixonado
De coração doce
Mas grito forte
De alma sincera
Mas é uma fera
se lhe provocam
Ama de verdade
Até um novo amor surgir
Se entrega sem regras
Para o amigo fazer sorrir
No seu coração a mágoa
Não faz casa... Briga fácil
Perdoa mais fácil ainda
Às vezes, ele é insano
Outras vezes, todo zen
Tenha um sagitariano por perto
E verás a alegria que a vida tem.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade de Escorpião



Adorado escorpiano
Esse ser que se apaixona
E todos os teus sonhos
No amor aprisiona
Alguém que ama intensamente
Mas sofre por ser enciumado
Alguém cuja sinceridade salta aos olhos
Cuja fé jamais lhe falta
guarda segredos e mistérios
um apaixonado esotérico
tenha um escorpiano
ao teu lado... e saberás o que
é o amor sincero.
Ah! Mas Esse Escorpiano
precisa perder um pouco do juízo.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade do signo de Libra


Ah! Librianos são pura harmonia
Justos por excelência
Com muito cuidado
Encantadores por natureza
Elegantes e delicados
Jamais se ouve o grito
De um libriano
E quando falam
São pacifistas
Ah! Esses librianos
São românticos sonhadores
Que correm atrás do seu amor
E quando conquistam
Dá a ele o merecido valor.
Tenha um libriano por perto
e verá o que é um ser humano
de grande afeto.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade do signo de Leão


leao-signo leao-lion
Esses Leoninos
Têm garra de vida
Brincam com tudo
Num otimismo
De dar inveja
Neles, há sempre
Uma palavra sincera
Um encanto nato
Em sua beleza
Ah! são valentes
Diante dos problemas
E supremos...
Não esqueça!
Nem sempre
Abaixam a cabeça,
Mas é sempre fiel
Com toda certeza.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade do signo de Aquário


Aquariano é assim
Um sonhador incurável
Vive além do seu tempo
Ama a liberdade
E o que lhe aprisiona
Não leva mais que um momento...
Tem medo de se apaixonar
Mas se conquistado
Amante igual não há
Adora pensar no futuro
Nas novas tecnologias
Que serão inventadas
Acredita que é no futuro
Que as soluções pra tudo
Serão encontradas...
Não gosta de rotina
E se deseja
ter um aquariano a seu lado
Faça dos seus dias inesquecíveis
E sempre renovados.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade de Capricórnio

Personalidade de Capricórnio,signos,capricornio

Esses calmos capricornianos
Adoram a solidão
Onde se recolhem
E guardam sua emoção...
Podem parecer frios
Não demonstram o que sentem
Mas amam intensamente...
Jamais esquece um grande amigo
E estes levam pra vida toda
Ah! Capricornianos
Adoram estar por cima
Mas jamais passam sobre ninguém
Porque sua melhor qualidade
Está na lealdade que têm.


(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

Personalidade do Signo de Peixes

Personalidade do Signo de Peixes
Ah! Piscianos
São seres especiais
Se alegram com nossa alegria
Choram com nossa tristeza
Se entregam aos amigos
De maneira impressionante
Gentis e apaixonantes
Sonham o mundo
Num instante
Mas é um indeciso
Romântico incurável
Estar do seu lado
É algo incomparável.

(Sirlei L. Passolongo)

[Movie Review] Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1

Hi Huneybees,

I was recently at the Twilight Breaking Dawn (Part 1) premiere, thanks to F*** Magazine. *SCREAM!* My hubby was "begging" me to bring down the volume when I first received the email of me winning the tickets, but like any Twilight fan, who can stop screaming?

Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) finally exchange wedding vows. During their honeymoon, the two consummate their love in an epic headboard-breaking sex scene. The next day, Edward feels bad for bruising Bella in the throes of passion, but gives in to her pleas for more because she is so horny. Then, the unimaginable happens — 14 days into their honeymoon, Bella realises she’s pregnant … with a super-strong demon baby that grows at an alarming rate, threatening to kill human Bella in the process. Edward goes back to being his tortured, brooding self. Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) is not a happy puppy, but stays loyal to Bella because there’s just something that ties him to her. Hmm.
Then, one random day, the baby breaks Bella’s spine, signalling it’s time for the bloody birth scene. And because this happens on such a random day, the house doctor (Edward’s father,Carlisle, played by Peter Facinelli) isn’t around to help deliver the baby, which leaves only Edward and Jacob in the makeshift delivery room with Bella. After a very violent and messy C-section, the baby, Renesmee, is born — with teeth and all — but Bella doesn’t survive. Edward’s sister Rosalie Hale (Nikki Reed) carries the half-human, half-vampire baby out of the room, as Edward injects his own venom into Bella, willing her body to accept it so she can be pale and sparkly like him. Meanwhile, Jacob gets all wolfy and storms off, with fierce intent, to kill the murderer of a baby. But the moment he sees Renesmee, his resolve crumbles into nothingness by some cosmic intervention. While Jacob is busy imprinting Renesmee, Bella’s transformation into a vampire begins.      --- Cosmopolitan Singapore

The original cast are all back for the movie and definitely there were more eye candy (I'm eyeing Seth, the youngest werewolf) this episode, but the most anticipated part of this movie is the wedding and sexual tension between Bella and Edward. 

The wedding scene made everyone go "WOW!" in the cinema. It was grand, the ambiance was romantic and seriously, it made every single girl wana get married on the spot. (Hint: Guys, proposal time!) For me, it brought back sweet memories of my wedding and I kinda teared up myself. I'm such a girly when it comes to movie. 

Bella's wedding dress is handmade. It took Carolina Herrera and four seamstresses six months to complete.
Everything was a fairytale in the beginning part of the movie and big Twilight fans who have read the book, would know the part that they consummated their wedding night was the Oooh La La time. I bet the Isle Esme (Casa Em Paraty) would be a popular tourist attraction after this movie. More about the place can be read here. http://curbed.com/archives/2011/11/17/heres-the-house-where-the-twilight-sex-scene-will-go-down.php

See how saucy it gets?
 The second half of the movie would be a darker scenario compared to the wedding scene. I love the play on light and dark. So, that's also when audience will get to see more of heart throb Jacob (Taylor Lautner), coming into the scenes, to look after Bella.

Bella's pregnancy was taking a toll on her and I must say the technology to shrink Bella down to an anorexic looking girl was astonishing. In fact, it reminds me pretty much of Captain America. Same technology used?

I was tearing up and felt what she was going through. Not sure why, but I felt the pain of Bella, Edward, Jacob and everyone around her. I literally teared up till almost end of movie. Guess only big Twilight fans will get what I saying. For non-Twilight fans, they might say that I'm silly?

Overall, I would give the movie a 4 out of 5 popcorn (a little bias coz I'm Twilight fan?)
Hint: Don't leave the cinemas so quickly. There's a little scenario to watch behind....

And a note to the Twilight: Breaking Dawn movie goers, please at least read the books or watch the previous episodes before heading to the cinemas? Don't act ignorant and have your friend explaining who each character is to you can? Not only are you noisy and disrupting the movie, it makes you super bimbo or rather himbo too!

Here are some pictures of me at the premiere that day...

Our Singapore version Edward Cullen and Bella Swan.

Into the cinema we go!

Definitely watched it with my Edward...
A Volvo S60 was parked right at Shaw Lido's entrance. Exactly the same as the one in the movie!

Go catch the movie today! I know I will be watching at least another 2 times of it. :)


Hong Kong Trip (Day 3 Part 1)

Hi Huneybees,

My Hong Kong post was interrupted by some other events in the middle and now I'm back to Day 3 of the trip.

Day 3 was amazing as we met up with his colleagues in Hong Kong who brought us to great food on our previous trip and now we are back for second rounds and more. Also, we attended our friend's wedding in the night ( the main reason why we flew to Hong Kong).

Brunch was Dim Sum  at this posh restaurant that won a Michelin Award.
The view from the restaurant.
Love the teapot....

The menu.

家乡咸水饺 (Deep-Fried Pork and Dried Shrimps Dumplings) 
A delicacy that I always love. It's a mixture of meat and dried shrimp wrapped inside flour and deep fried before serving. When you bite into the dumpling, sauce will flow out. Super juicy! It taste a little salty, but mainly super sweet...

叉烧酥 (Char Siu Pastry)
Soft layers of flour skin wrapped tender juicy Char Siew within....

I'm not very sure the name for this. It's actually dumplings with prawns and vegetables inside. The flour skin is QQ and the ingredients inside are super fresh. There's whole prawns within!

How can we forget egg tarts right?
XO 酱煎肠粉 (Fried XO Sauce Flour Rolls)
  I would say this is a must try!  It's just plain flour rolls in mini style, pan fried with XO Sauce. You can eat it straight off the plate of dip it in some BBQ or Mustard Sauce. Every way is a tease to the tongue!
原只大虾肠粉 (Steamed Rice Flour Rolls with Prawns)
Similar to what we can normally have in Singapore, but what's different is that the "skin" is so soft and thin, it melts in your mouth the moment you place it in your mouth....

叉烧 烧肉 (Top: Xiu Yok, Bottom: Char Siew) 
These are the HK specialty. The Roasted Meat's top layer of skin was burnt to the right amount of crispiness and the soft layer of meat complimented the whole taste. As for the Char Siew, I found it a little fattening and oily, but the meat's super juicy. Lucky, the fats were obvious in layers, one can remove them from meat easy peasy-ly.

香葱海蜇头 (Chilled Jellyfish)
海蜇 is something you would normally find on the cold dish at weddings, but this one's served differently. It's tossed in some sweet, spicy sauce and served cold. I would must try for this.

原个千层马拉高 (Steamed Layer Spongy Cake with Custard Cream)
I'm never a fan of this cake, but one bite of it, got me going back for seconds. The cake is so soft and fluffy and paired with the sweet custard cream in the middle layers... I'm in heaven!

蛋黄流沙包 (Steamed Buns with Custard and Egg Yolk Filling)
I specially ordered these... Its sweet, yet salted filling when wrapped with the bun is orgasm to the mouth! Eating it whilst piping hot, letting the filing flow to your mouth, I can literally "cum" several times!

When we were done, we were even treated to desserts on the house. That's red bean paste and walnut paste....
This is where the restaurant is. Just a stone's throw from the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Just being noti. See the CCB sign? *Wink*
After lunch, we decided to take a stroll. Then, a tram drove past and we decided to hop on one to Central. Super excited! It's our first time on a tram.

This is a step on bell. It's used to warn people crossing the road, etc.

Feel so movie poster here...
It was Saturday, check out the view outside! The domestic helpers were given a day off and they just gather on the streets to chill out with their friends. It's like a 8th Wonder of the World.
They just tear off cardboard boxes and camp everywhere. Bridges, linkways and by the streets...

Yipee! Thank you driver, we arrived at Central area already...

We climbed the super long and steep stairs...

Check out these big ass pizzas! We wanted to share a slice, but we already had plans...

Cutting through a wet market.

We don't sell meat like that in Singapore anymore.
Just an alleyway.
Yipee! Reached our destination. Traditional HK pastry since 1954!

Egg tarts!!!
Check out the oven! They just recently renovated...

Ok. Leaving to our next destination by taking the infamous long flight of escalators.

Check out the latest Apple Store at IFC Mall! It's packed with people and not computers. LOL!

Out of the mall and crossed the bridge to the ferry terminal. We are gona take a ferry across the sea.

Who wants corn soup while waiting for the ferry?

How come the ferry's in B&W?

Enjoying our egg tarts on the ferry.
That's how a ferry looks like. This one's multi-coloured.
That's our destination. K-11

No wonder the ferry's B&W. They were running an ad for VANS.

At the ferry terminal, there was super lots happening and super lots to see.

At 1881 Heritage. People love taking wedding shots here with friends and families, coz the ROM is just opposite.
The installation changes here every month.
An Opera inspired dress by Vivienne Tam. Interesting, but not sure wear it to?

At a hidden corner, one can find a fire engine tucked at a corner of 1881 Heritage.

OK! We're here at K-11 already! I wanted to go see the installation by Tokidoki,  but after a check with the information counter lady, it was over already.... Sob Sob!

K-11 is like an art mall. Everything in there is a piece of art!

I found Unicorno at a store that sells Tokidoki stuffs. I must take photos!

Ok. I'm going back to hotel for a little break, before dressing up for our friend's wedding. Stay tuned for part 2!
